Izzy Galloway
Head of Operations
As Head of Operations at Take Point Training, Izzy oversees the operational activities of the company.
Izzy is also a qualified ILM Coach and Insights Discovery Practitioner and certified in Executive Leadership and Management by Oxford University and Saïd Business School, and is Human Element, Leadership and Management certified. She also holds a BA (Hons) Degree in Graphic Design and is currently studying at a post-graduate level in organisational psychology.
What leadership means to Izzy:
'Whilst the team’s focus may be achieving a goal, the leader’s priority is the quality of the journey the team ventures through to arrive there.To me, this is nurturing others’ growth and enabling them to flourish. Effective leadership inspires, fosters courage, broadens perspectives and encourages experimentation.
"A good leader is unashamedly themself and, in turn, creates a space for others to show up and feel safe to bring their own true selves to the table. This leader does not have the loudest voice; the presence of the good leader is not heard above the noise but rather felt despite it.
Leadership is not defined by role, status, education, or qualification, but by your ability to understand, connect with, and look after those around you.
A leader is not always located at the top, nor do they necessarily have the job title to indicate it, but each team member always knows who their leaders are.'